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Blog Feature

Categories: Sales Enablement Technology  |  Sales Productivity

How to Write Effective AI Prompts for B2B Sales

Whether you’re a sales leader, manager, or seller, we’ve all been hearing a lot about the potential of AI for sales. You may already be incorporating some AI-powered tools in your sales stack. Like any new technology, generative AI tools require a learning curve to be most effective. Generative AI tools like ChatGPT, Microsoft Copilot, Google Gemini or Claude in particular can give very different quality outputs depending on the input they’re given. Our Ascender team recently hosted a webinar with Matt Payne of Sales Boost Consulting where he gave some valuable tips for getting the most out of AI tools. Today, we’re sharing tips on using generative AI for sales tasks. If you’re a sales leader, make sure to also check out our playbook for improving sales team productivity with AI tools.

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Blog Feature

Categories: Adoption and Reinforcement  |  Sales Enablement Technology

Eight Ways to Get More Out of Ascender Plus

If you want to lead a top-performing organization, you need a way to equip the daily grind of sales. Training programs are effective, but what happens after the training stops? You need an enablement engine with content, curriculum and community. That's the power of our platform Ascender®. Right now, we’re working with sales leaders who have seen measurable improvements in quota attainment and forecast accuracy leveraging Ascender. Here are eight ways they’re maximizing their value from the platform.

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Blog Feature

Categories: Sales Coaching Tools  |  Sales Enablement Technology  |  Sales Leadership  |  Sales Productivity

Three Tools Elite Revenue Teams are Using to Start the Year Strong

With a new year comes a clean slate – our once-annual fresh start. For revenue team leaders, today’s decisions will help define where the company ends up in twelve months. As budgets get approved and your annual kickoff approaches, give your organization an edge by making sure your plan for the coming year incorporates digital tools and technology that drive results and power today’s top teams. Recent survey research examined the mindsets of B2B technology sales professionals, collecting data from across diverse roles, ages, and company sizes. One question asked respondents, “What would help you and your organization have greater sales success?” The number one answer: Sales Tools, Platforms & Software (44%). Keep this reality top-of-mind as you identify and gather the building blocks for executing your strategy. Revenue team members are hungry for sales technology and platforms that can be harnessed for success. They’re eager to reach professional goals, determined to help their organization meet this year’s goals, and confident that the right digital tools will support these efforts in their everyday selling activities. Help your team step up their game by providing them with tech tools built to boost performance, keep morale high, and sustain long-term success.

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Blog Feature

Categories: Economic Change  |  Sales Enablement Technology  |  Sales Leadership

The Crucial Aspects of Leading Sales Teams Today

Sometimes change comes in the form of a tidal wave: immediate, dramatic, and undeniable. More often, change happens slowly and steadily: hard to perceive until we’ve drifted so far from the shore that we can’t see where we started. Whether you’re trying to minimize “drift” that’s occurred within your sales organization over time or respond to the immediate impact of the turbulent economic environment, ensure you’re focusing on crucial aspects that enable your team to succeed. Remain focused on the fundamental aspects of good selling while using every advantage to stay competitive in the modern selling landscape.

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Blog Feature

Categories: Sales Enablement Technology

How to Drive Great Engagement at Your Virtual Sales Training Event

Best Practices to Drive Great Outcomes Your work environments may be shifting, but you and your team still have revenue goals to make. Nothing has changed about the need to use your time productively. Until further notice – the goal in today’s changing business world is to make the necessary transitions and stay the course.

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Blog Feature

Categories: Sales Enablement Technology  |  Sales Process

Making the Shift to Selling the Platform Solution

If you're making sizable shifts next year to enable your sales team to sell a platform solution, you need to ensure they're able to make that jump. These ideas look good on paper, but when it comes to actually getting your salespeople to convince the customer to buy, you likely need to invest in some enablement.

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