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Blog Feature

Categories: Company Alignment  |  Sales Transformation  |  Sales and Marketing

Selling Beyond the Sales Team: How a Cross-Functional Approach Improves Execution

In today's highly competitive market, it's no longer enough for a sales organization to differentiate itself solely based on its offering. The most successful companies today are those that create differentiation in their initial sales process and the customer’s journey. That level of execution requires that leaders enable every customer-facing team and role to be fluent in a unified sales message, strategy, and execution.

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Blog Feature

Categories: Company Alignment  |  Sales Messaging  |  Sales and Marketing

Convert More High-Value Leads with Sales and Marketing Alignment

Recent economic uncertainty has forced many sales teams to dig deeper into their territories for potential pipeline and put a critical focus on effectively maximizing every lead. As buyers become more budget-conscious and develop more stringent criteria, it’s never been more important to communicate value from the very first interaction.

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Blog Feature

Categories: Sales Messaging  |  Sales and Marketing

How we Describe Command of the Message® to Sales and Marketing Leaders

It's a topic we get asked about frequently. Is Command of the Message a marketing initiative? Or, why is Command of the Message a sales initiative and not a marketing one? Indeed, the name may leave some confused, but once you understand Force Management's point-of-view, it begins to make sense for sales and marketing leaders, particularly those who are looking to create a better buyer and customer experience.

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Blog Feature

Categories: Sales and Marketing

Sales and Marketing: Why Customer Testimonials Need a Team Effort

Customer testimonials strengthen any sales message. Putting tangible evidence behind your value proposition can be the difference between a won opportunity and one that falls flat.

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Blog Feature

Categories: Sales and Marketing

Improve Sales Revenue: 5 Ways to Get More Out of Marketing

Sales leaders believe marketing has some work to do when it comes to driving the right leads. In the latest CSO Insights Sales Performance Optimization Report, only 33.4% of sales leaders gave marketing a passing grade when it came to lead quality. That number dropped 6 percentage points when it came to quantity. Poor alignment in sales and marketing is nothing new. If you asked marketing leaders the same types of question, the results would probably be very different. Almost every sales organization has been challenged at one time or another with “out-of-sync” sales and marketing departments.

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Blog Feature

Categories: Sales Conversation  |  Sales and Marketing

Sales Messaging and Marketing: Oil and Water?

Mixed Messages = Mixed Results We talk a lot about alignment in the sales industry. Bringing sales and marketing into alignment is a key step to improving sales messaging and making a sales organization successful. If sales and marketing aren’t on the same page, you’re hurting your return on investment (ROI) and competitive advantage. Here’s why: Shrinking Revenue and Margins If sales and marketing can’t deliver a consistent value-oriented message, you’ve got a chain reaction of problems. Marketing can’t deliver sales-ready content, and their campaigns won’t generate qualified leads. Without sales ready content, the sales team can’t articulate value to customers. Then, you’ll be dealing with longer sales cycles, discounts that eat up margins and deals lost to the competition.

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