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Blog Feature

Categories: Sales Leadership  |  Sales Planning  |  Sales Transformation

QBR: How to Assess Last Quarter’s Sales Performance and Pivot

A new quarter is upon us, and it’s time to strategize on how you can make this one even better than the last. Often, sales leaders know where their sales team falls short – but it can be a challenge to identify the root of these problems and determine what action will have the greatest impact in solving them.

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Blog Feature

Categories: Economic Change  |  Sales Leadership  |  Sales Transformation

Where Alignment Means Revenue

Guiding a sales organization to growth through today's uncertain economy demands a higher level of efficiency. Changing customer needs and increased competition for budgets have the potential to expose gaps in the alignment of your go-to-market teams. Symptoms of misalignment show up as longer sales cycles, high rates of discounting, and the inability to close large deals due to buyer budget concerns. To get your sales teams firing on all cylinders and making aggressive progress on your growth goals, your most valuable tool right now is true organizational alignment. Here are three critical areas where organizational alignment supports sales resilience and growth. If you’re interested in how sales leaders successfully capture alignment in these three areas, check out this video of our recent panel discussion with three industry leaders. Boomi CRO Marcy Campbell, Battery Ventures Partner Bill Binch and NWN Carousel CEO Jim Sullivan shared insights on how they're aligning their teams for success in the current market.

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Blog Feature

Categories: Front-line Managers  |  Sales Leadership  |  Sales Transformation

Five Characteristics that Build Successful Sales Leaders

Front-line managers play an impactful role in driving your sales organization’s success. As a sales leader, it's critical that you show your managers support by helping them build their leadership skills.

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Blog Feature

Categories: Sales Transformation

How to Determine Where Your Sales Team is Struggling the Most

With recent speculation around the economic landscape, many organizations are preparing their teams for a difficult sales season ahead. Whether you're already seeing your sales team struggle with unexpected deal delays or economic uncertainty has begun to amplify underlying sales execution issues, one thing is certain: you’ve still got numbers to hit. In these moments, it’s tempting to go back to basics and manage expectations. What separates good sales leaders from great ones is their commitment to their people, no matter the season. Do more with who you have and what you have. Identify how you can help your salespeople build the critical skills they need to be relevant to customer needs, drive pipeline and close deals.

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Blog Feature

Categories: Buyer Alignment  |  Company Alignment  |  Sales Transformation

Product-Led Growth: Driving Cross-Functional Support to Evolve Your Go-to-Market Strategy

Scaling the success that comes with product-led growth (PLG) brings both opportunities and challenges. If your company is aiming to drive ongoing outcomes, while reducing inefficiencies across customer-facing organizations (Product, Customer Success, etc.) you may find value in what Segment prioritized, as a company, to take their organization to the next level.

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Blog Feature

Categories: Sales Transformation

How to Counteract the Fading Enthusiasm that Happens Right After Sales Training

If you've ever launched a sales initiative, you know that you gain a significant return on the investment in the weeks immediately following rollout. The critical events that happen after training can make the difference between a sales initiative that moves the needle and one that falls flat. Here are a few ways to counteract the fading enthusiasm that can happen right after a sales training or a sales kickoff.

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