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Blog Feature

Categories: Sales Conversation  |  Trap Setting Questions

Get Beyond the Technical Buyer

Getting beyond technical buyers and in front of economic buyers requires you to make distinct connections between your solution’s technical capabilities and the business pains of your prospects. Conversations around technical requirements and buyer decision criteria can either propel a deal forward or cause problems that are difficult to overcome, like small deal sizes, stalled deals or discounts. Elite sellers take on this challenge by focusing on connecting those technical requirements to business challenges that have significant financial implications. This connection helps you move your deals higher in the customer organization, increasing the value and the price. Here are some key steps to make it happen:

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Blog Feature

Categories: Sales Discovery Process  |  Trap Setting Questions

How to Ask Trap-Setting Questions

There is no value without a customer problem. That premise is one of the most basic sales principles. Finding a customer problem is the first step to winning the business. The second step is effectively demonstrating why your solution is a better one than the competition's. Trap-Setting Questions help you steer a discovery session toward your differentiators. We call them "trap setting" because they trap your competition. They highlight the value that a customer will receive with your solution and the components they won't have if they choose your competitor.

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