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A support statement of your value proposition. Entice your visitor to complete your cta.

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Categories: Podcasts

Our Top Podcasts of the Year

The best athletes put in extra time, even just 15 minutes a day to improve their skill set. Extra shots after practice, another lap around the track, ten more reps — they put in the work to take their career to the next level. The same is true in sales. How can you put in extra effort?

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Categories: Differentiation  |  Podcasts

Align Your Differentiation to Your Prospect's Needs

Deals are won and lost in discovery. Your ability to find a business problem that you can attach your solution to is a critical component to advancing the sale. It's critical that you uncover buyer needs, and at the same time, align your differentiation to those needs. Think about why people choose your solution and how you can get those points into every buyer's decision criteria. Improve your ability to align your solution’s differentiation to the positive business outcomes (PBOs) your buyers are trying to achieve in a way that’s meaningful to your buyer, and impactful for your bottom line. Here are a few actions steps:

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Categories: Podcasts

Your Best Sales Tactic? Go in Curious

One of the most succinct pieces of advice our sales performance experts often share with reps is to go in curious and listen. Going in curious means you’re not going in assuming you know what the buyer's problems are. Instead, you’re asking great questions and letting the buyer do most of the talking. The conversation should be focused on buyer needs, challenges, and desired outcomes. Remember, opportunities are won and lost on effective discovery. You can't be a best-in-class seller if you can't ask great questions and actively listen to your buyer’s answers.

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Categories: Podcasts

Being Elite: Four Lessons Learned From a Sales Veteran

We recently caught up with Force Management’s Senior Director of Consulting Patrick McLoughlin on the Audible-Ready Sales Podcast. He shared some lessons learned in his 30+ year sales career. Here are our top takeaways from that conversation.

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Blog Feature

Categories: Podcasts  |  Sales Discovery Process  |  Sales Qualification

Coaches VS. Champions: Know the Difference

Champions can be a critical component to closing complex details. Identifying a Champion in your deal is a key step, but one where salespeople can struggle. Champions can easily be confused with Coaches. Make sure you know how to identify a Champion.

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Blog Feature

Categories: Differentiation  |  Podcasts

Ensure Success by Staying Aligned with Your Champions

You’ve found a champion, now ensure you are leveraging their power, influence and vested interest in your success. Are you guiding your champion through their buying process, or are you dragging them along through your sales process? Continuously help your champion drive the success of the deal by staying aligned with their internal challenges and coaching them on how to execute effectively inside the account. Here are key ways to stay aligned with your champion to ensure a positive outcome:

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