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Blog Feature

Categories: Sales Discovery Process  |  Trap Setting Questions

How to Ask Trap-Setting Questions

There is no value without a customer problem. That premise is one of the most basic sales principles. Finding a customer problem is the first step to winning the business. The second step is effectively demonstrating why your solution is a better one than the competition's. Trap-Setting Questions help you steer a discovery session toward your differentiators. We call them "trap setting" because they trap your competition. They highlight the value that a customer will receive with your solution and the components they won't have if they choose your competitor.

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Blog Feature

Categories: Podcasts  |  Sales Discovery Process

Podcast: Five Mistakes You're Making With Your Discovery Process

When salespeople excel at discovery, they sell larger deals. Your ability as a salesperson to effectively move a complex B2B opportunity through the pipeline demands you know how to uncover high-level business issues.

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Categories: Sales Conversation  |  Sales Discovery Process

Find the Right Shot: Get Ahead of the Game for Effective Discovery

Opportunities are won and lost on effective discovery. As a salesperson, you need solid questions if you want to effectively successfully map your value to your prospect’s business problems. When you are trying to drill down on a business issue with the largest impact, you need a great sales discovery process that demonstrates your perspective and positive business intent. Solid thought-provoking questions help you effectively map your value to a prospect’s business problems.

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Blog Feature

Categories: Sales Discovery Process  |  Sales Process

Four Questions to Help Your Team Recover from a Lost Sales Opportunity

A lost sales opportunity hurts the bottom line, but it can also provide a valuable teaching lesson for your sales team. There is usually a quantifiable reason that the sale wasn’t made. Identifying what went wrong gives your team an opportunity to understand how not to make the same mistake twice. Help your team recover from the lost sales opportunity quickly and effectively. Here are four questions you can ask your salespeople that will help them learn from their mistakes.

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Blog Feature

Categories: Sales Conversation  |  Sales Discovery Process

Why The Best Sales Discovery Process Requires Silence

When I deliver Command of the Message®, one of the questions I am asked the most involves discovery. I think one of the keys to effective discovery is preparation, but I also believe there are some learned skills that help salespeople master the discovery component of a sales process. I’m from Cleveland (Go Browns!). And, like many college-aged students, I worked at Cedar Point in the summer. (For those of you who may not be aware of this Ohio wonder, it’s a giant amusement park, consistently voted #1 in the world.) It was a great place to work, especially when you were young.

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Blog Feature

Categories: Sales Conversation  |  Sales Discovery Process

How to Prepare for a Valuable Sales Discovery Session

In real estate, it’s a commonly used phrase that the three most important words are location, location, location. In sales, I would argue the three most important words are preparation, preparation, preparation. One of the most overlooked components of many sales methodologies is the importance of discovery. It’s extremely difficult to align your solution with your prospects biggest business challenges if you aren’t able to effectively uncover what those pain points are. The key to effective discovery is PREPARATION.

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