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Categories: Podcasts

2020 Podcasts: Improve Your Ability To Win More, Faster

“Some people want it to happen, some people wish it to happen, others make it happen.” - Michael Jordan You’ve likely got goals for yourself next year; to hit consistent quotas, gain higher commissions, speed up your close rates, etc. What’s your plan to make it happen for yourself? Top performers are constantly honing their craft, even if it’s just fifteen minutes a day — recapping what worked well in previous deals (or what didn’t), seeking advice from their team, or listening to tips from those with years of sales experience. Finding daily small ways to improve your skills can make a big difference in where you’ll be sitting this time next year.

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Blog Feature

Categories: Podcasts  |  Sales Discovery Process

Why Your Active Listening Skills Are Crucial to Hitting Your Number

Great discovery questions can only get you so far if you’re not prepared to really listen to the answer in a way that enables you to dig deeper or pivot decisively. Listening is just as crucial, yet not always the easiest to master. Many people think they are good listeners, but sadly miss the mark. Active listening is a key skill that elite sellers possess — and they are able to speed up their deals and close at better margins because of it. Understand what preparing to actively listen looks like and how you can refine your listening skill set to sell more, faster.

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Categories: Podcasts

Don't Move Your Deal Forward Without These Three Things

If you are trying to move a sales opportunity forward, there is no better way than to ensure you're linking a solution to an issue that's mission critical to an organization.

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Blog Feature

Categories: Podcasts  |  Sales Conversation

Podcast: How to Use Metrics in Your Sales Conversation

Metrics can be a tricky concept for salespeople, especially those who are new to our Command of the Message® methodology. Typically we find these sellers are using metrics in the wrong way in the sales conversation. Metrics are important, but they're not the whole story. They don’t necessarily solve the Positive Business Outcomes or the Required Capabilities.

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Blog Feature

Categories: Podcasts

Podcast: Digging Deep on Negative Consequences

In B2B sales, every prospect account in your pipeline involves critical factors that will turn that open opportunity into a closed deal. Uncovering problems that are having significant impact on business helps elevate your solution to high-level decision makers.

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Blog Feature

Categories: Podcasts

Podcast: Building Up Your Champion

Champions can be integral to your success in an account. When you have a true champion, you have an advocate who is invested in your winning the business. However, the relationship shouldn't end with closing the initial opportunity. Best-in-class salespeople lift up their champion in a way that demonstrates business value.

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