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Categories: Sales Process

Tips for Getting Prospects to Take a Meeting

Even veteran sellers can struggle with cracking into new accounts, warming up cold opportunities and turning LinkedIn connections into active deals. In one way or another, today’s current business landscape presents new challenges for salespeople to overcome as they work to capture new accounts. Regardless, good selling is good selling. Fundamentals still apply in a murky sales environment. We’re sharing key selling fundamentals you can use to prepare for your sales calls in a way that gets your prospects to take action.

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Blog Feature

Categories: Differentiation  |  Sales Process

How to Use Your Sales Skills in Your Next Job Interview

Matt Payne is a seasoned sales enablement executive, with extensive experience in software. A certified Command of the Message Facilitator, Force Management worked with Matt at Jama Software helping the company align the sales strategy with the organization’s growth goals. After leaving Jama, Matt continued his sales enablement experience for a customer data platform company. Several years ago an engineer friend of mine was laid off and was trying to find work. After a few weeks of job searching, we met for coffee. I’ll never forget his serious, deadpan comment, “The skills that make me good at my job are the exact opposite skills needed for finding a job.”

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Categories: Competitors  |  Sales Process

How to Beat the Competition in Your Sales Process

If you've sold for any amount of time, you know that there is always a competitor in the sales process. It may be another vendor, or even the dreaded "do nothing" or "do it internally". Any of these options can stop a deal in its tracks. Without the ability to clearly differentiate your solution, and understand its value, a buyer's decision is arbitrary and often price-driven. We pulled together some key tips to help you beat the competition in your sales process. Use these concepts as ways to help you prepare and execute meaningful and winning sales conversations.

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Blog Feature

Categories: Sales Process

Six Questions to Test Your Prospect's Decision Process

If your sales team is responsible for closing complex enterprise deals, you know that the process can be lengthy and complex. You’re probably also painfully aware that it can be fraught with peril. Anything from an unexpected objection to a shift in leadership can undo your team’s progress and kill the deal. High-performing sales teams, understand that the key to closing more deals lies in a critical understanding the buyer’s process. These high performers leverage that understanding to anticipate obstacles and effectively drive the process to completion. Here are six questions to help your team members gauge the strength of an opportunity.

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Blog Feature

Categories: Sales Process

How to Move Your Prospects Through the Sales Cycle Faster

The ability of your sales teams to sell higher in an organization is driven by a value-based selling rhythm that drives a shorter sales cycle and bottom-line impact. What sales leader doesn't want a team that's selling more deals, more quickly? The key is to ensure your sales team has the ability to create urgency.

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Blog Feature

Categories: Sales Process

Leverage Your Champion: Additional Resources

We received a lot of great feedback from our “Building Up Your Champion” podcast that we published last month. So much so that we wanted to provide some additional resources for you to further leverage the Champion relationship.

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