The Seller's Command Center by Force Management

How to Influence the C-Suite with Effective Sales Messaging

Written by Rachel Clapp Miller | Oct 8, 2013 12:00:00 PM

Earning the buy-in of C-level executives is a critical step to improving margins and increasing your average deal size. Gaining access to top-level decision makers means you have to be skilled in (1) attaching your solution to the largest business issues and (2) understanding what influences their decision process.

Recent research from SiriusDecisions identifies the key decision-making factors for C-level executives. Top executives are most influenced by their previous experiences with a company, followed closely by customer references or testimonials. Both of these decision drivers are key outcomes for effective sales messaging.

An effective sales messaging platform gives sellers the ability to articulate value and differentiation, in a way that attaches to an organization’s largest business issues, the ones the C-suite cares about. Here are three reasons why: 

You Gain Access

The ability to effectively influence C-level execs means you need to demonstrate how your solutions solve C-level business problems. Remember, as a seller, you’re delegated to who you sound like. That’s why gaining access to top executives is the first step towards influencing their buying decisions.

If you’re having problems accessing contacts in the senior levels of your prospect organizations, consider the focus of your conversation. Chances are you’re speaking the language of features and functions, not the language of business. Talking about your products, instead of the business outcomes that your customers are trying to achieve, will often get you access to only the technical buyers, who probably don’t have the budget for what you’re trying to sell. As a result, you’ll limit your access to those who control discretionary funding.

You Earn Trusted Advisor Status 

One of the most pivotal components of building a relationship with the C-Suite is earning that coveted trusted advisor status within the account. When you’re able to attach your offerings to the largest business problems your customers are trying to solve, you’re viewed as a consultant who solves problems, rather than a vendor who hawks products. Speaking in terms of business outcomes (through effective sales messaging), helps you earn that trusted advisor status with the C-Suite.

You Have Powerful Customer Testimonials 

Testimonials demonstrate the tangible benefits a company can achieve from your solutions. Solid proof points speak to the priorities and the perspectives of your customer. SiriusDecisions’ research shows that C-level executives see these as a primary decision factor. They want to know that others have had success implementing the same type of solution. A proven sales messaging platform helps sellers draw the connection. It enables and develops a process for creating and leveraging customer testimonials. The more you’re able to show the tangible results for another customer, the more your prospects will see the value in doing business with you.

Influence the C-Suite with Effective Sales Messaging

Best-in-class sales teams are audible-ready to articulate value and differentiation across multiple buying audiences, especially when it comes to communicating with the C-Suite. An effective sales messaging process will help your sales team gain access to C-level executives and allow them to map your solutions to high-level business problems. It creates repeatability and predictability, no matter the customer.