Effective Sales Messaging: Take Credit for the Value You Provide

Effective Sales Messaging: Take Credit for the Value You Provide

Categories: Sales Conversation

Attaching yourself to the largest business problem is a critical step towards achieving trusted advisor status within your accounts. 

Putting a process behind gathering your proof points can give you the all-important metrics, but understanding the role your solution played in achieving the positive business outcomes is just as important.

Even with Force Management’s own proof points, it’s important for our sellers to understand the story behind how our clients achieved those results. What were the before scenarios? How did they build alignment and buy-in to achieve the after scenarios?

When you are trying to articulate the positive business outcomes your prospects are trying to achieve, you need to take credit for the role your solution played in solving those same problems in the past. Own the success. 

Without your solution, can they solve that problem? Take credit for Positive Business Outcomes you helped your customers achieve. Watch Force Management’s John Kaplan explain why the credit is critical:

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